On Saturday the 16th of October the exhibition on the life and work of famous and prolific car designer Giovanni Michelotti was opened in the DAF Museum in Eindhoven by his son Edgardo, the treasurer of his fathers rich heritage. Giovanni Michelotti ( *1921 - +1980 ), based in Torino - Italy, was the principal designer of DAF cars of the models 32, 33, 44 and 55 and derivates like stationcars and coupes. Besides the "standard cars" Michelotti designed on DAF chassis the 44 sports coupe, 55 Siluro coupe and the 32 Beachcar. The Michelotti exhibition will be held from the 16th of October 2021 until the 1st of February 2022. Next to the DAF cars he designed, some Triumph and other cars designed by Michelotti are present, and a lot of sketches of his designs. NAMAC ( Dutch Model Collector Club ) arranges a showcase with many modelcars of Michelotti design. In honor of his presence to open the exhibition and to thank him Edgardo Michelotti received as a present the 1:43 DAF 32 Beachcar from the chairman of the museum, mr. Geert Vermeer. Apparantly Edgardo was very pleased with the 1:43 model of this unique car designed by his father. The picture shows Edgardo on the right, on his left is mr. Marc van Doorne, the grandson of mr. Hub van Doorne, one of the founders of the DAF factory in Eindhoven. The picture was made by mr. Rob Koch who owns the rights to it, and supplied to us, with his permission to use the picture on our blog.